Friday, March 4, 2011

On the coming budget cuts

Susan Dreyfus was asked about the coming budget cuts:

"I wish I could tell you that our budget problem is behind us, but every economic forecast we see is that states will be the last to recover from the Great Recession. It's requiring us not to hang on, but to totally reset," said said, adding that the tight budgets will last for the decade.

"History will look back on this time and those called to leadership, and what we're supposed to learn is shared governance. It's truly getting at the meaning of partnership," she said.

"The poorest and most vulnerable among us are bearing the brunt of the Great Recession. What it's causing us to do, though, is to change. As an agency, we are passionately committed to figuring out how to partner and once and for all and move to a home and community-based model of care.

"It's going to get darker before the dawn, but I see people partnering together. DSHS is realizing it's all about shared governance. Our resources are going to have to be leveraged in magical ways," Dreyfus concluded.

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